This Design-Build project consists of an Armed Forces Reserve Center (AFRC) and an Unheated Storage Building (UHS). The Fort Allen Training Center is comprised of a two-story conventional building situated around a central courtyard.
The training center includes open and private offices on both first and second floors, classrooms, assembly hall, mechanical and electrical rooms, locker rooms, fitness room, weapons simulator and control rooms, and an armory/vault.
The UHS building is constructed with a site-cast concrete exterior wall system with a painted finish and a standing seam metal roof. The project includes the installation of two 20,000-gallon on-site water storage tanks and a fire pump.
The tanks in combination with the fire pump will ensure the AFRC is protected in accordance with Unified Facilities Criteria and National Fire Protection Association fire suppression requirements. The project was awarded a LEED Gold Certification through the U.S. Green Building Council.